Change Our Outlook About Marijuana

05/31/2013 15:33
Would you consider supporting marijuana use? For me, yes I support it. I support the use of medical marijuana because of two reasons: one, I use medical marijuana and two, people should change their outlook about it. Nowadays, there are many places where people would certain illnesses receive treatment using marijuana. One good example is the one found in this link: medical marijuana doctor sd    .

True, such facilities are many today. One particular example of such companies is the one you’ll find here: oakland medical marijuana card. The reason for this is that several states in the country support medical marijuana. Unfortunately, even if state laws support the use of medical marijuana, federal law is still against it.

During the 1970s, Nixon and the US Congress signed the Controlled Substances Act, which made marijuana use illegal. This law was based on a study made by experts regarding the effects of particular drugs. Sadly, marijuana was labelled as Schedule 1 according to the law. Experts at that time said that marijuana is not beneficial when it comes to medical perspective, even if used by medical experts. They also said that it has high potential of being abused.

I do accept the latter statement, but the former, not. The Controlled Substances Act needs to be updated. These days, marijuana is used to treat various medical ailments. It also provides relief to certain symptoms. There are also medical experts supporting it. There are even several clinics offering marijuana medication such as this one here: orange county medical marijuana doctor. If that is the case, the society federal government should accept the use of medical marijuana.